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Photoshopping Covers
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorCharlieM
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I don't think that I have seen James be foul either.


  I think I have to call you on the reediting of images for discs you do not own.  You do ride T!M pretty hard for making contributions for profiles that he does not supposedly own.

Now I will grant you, there is a difference between data and image to an extent, but again, unless you have the cover art in front of you, what basis are you going from?  How can you judge a no vote, with out having the original to compare to? (and I do understand the capabilities of Photoshop.  I also know that every time you re-save a file into JPeg format, you lose quality, do to the compression algorithm)

The other question I would have, and you talk about people wasting your time, is why would you go and hunt for profiles that you do not own, and make corrections to them, when you know that it will cause problems?  This I have a hard time understanding.  I only have 1280+ profiles, and I find editing them takes up enough time, and you have how many in your actual collection?

James, I wish you would still contribute. I have not personally seen many, but apparently you have a decent rep among some people for contribution quality, and that can always be a plus.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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I don't care whether James ever Contributes anything egveragain, He has run me off at least twice and others as well with his attitude.  As for the covers, a stupid comment such as James' means nothing, now you know outside of his stupid comment about ownership and there was ONE user who made a similar comment. I received NO comments form ANY, Irepeat ANY user telling men that what I did either did not improve the images OR that the image was inndeed washed out. NOT A SINGLE comment. I was fully prepared for such comments and was also prepared to pull any such cover on the basisi of one such comment. I was not prepared to deal with James or anyone else acting like an ^%$. My own comment even invited people  to make uch comments because I alwasy stated that I felt the exisiting image was washed out andthat I had TRIED to correct that and HOPEFULLY improved the image.It was a similar approach I took to the experiment that I tried with Global changes over a year and a half ago.  I actual fact, evey persobn who voted save James and one other, several of them commented how nice the tweaks looked. So, James if are not going to contribute, you never did much anyway, I bid you adieu. Though I will also add that I don't think you should stop, but you won't break my heart, you did that a long time ago.

So, amigo, on this one I strenuously disagree with you.

CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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Quoting hal9g:
Personally, I have never, ever seen James make an insulting or derisive remark on these forums.

Then you don't understand James' attitude, Hal. I do, only too well. I sdon't trust his work, I find that him frankly lazy. He will do no more than he has to, he does not take into consideration the Community annd what migh improve notes for ALL users, EVER. He does not bother to include data with regards to ACTUAL crew credits, because he does not care about anyone else, it has not occurred to him that maybe that data might be useful to other users (or he doesn't care). I have suggested it to him in my vote comments and i have talked about it puvblicly in the forums many times. He is far more interested in providing as littel detail as he can, which makes me wonder WHY, so No I wopn't miss him at all. I wnat the best for the user Commu7nity  and the datavbase and if that means i need to spen a few minutes typing to supply users with research information or tomtell them what the ACTUAL crew credits are, then I do so gladly. I am offended that James, likes to ignore the Rules and make up his own, which he has done many times on many different occassions. The SRP incident was only the first and still gets under my skin. The rules don't say you can ignore them with documentation, they say don't make changes for pennies, yet he ignored THAT Rule.  So, no I will not miss huis poor workmanship, or inconsistent voting at all nor his failure to follow the Rules, make up his own or try to undermine them as he has done numerous times.

Critical, yes, deserved....yes. Apology not achance, he owes me so many apologies I can't even count them all. BTW, I don't expect an apology from James for one very simple reason, I don't think he has a clue regarding why or how he has made me angry and some of it is things I have never talked about and won't. But to grant James sainthood....nah!!!...I think I might be willing to grant Obama sainthood first...and those of you who know me, also understand that isn't going to happen.

CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorCharlieM
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Whether James contributes or not, is not really relevant to the question at hand.

Now I don't think that I have seen any of the ones you contributed, and I know I have never accused you of not owning a title.  I am not going to research that.  There has to be a level of trust someplace.

The thing I do not understand, you are very adamant concerning changes made to cast and crew changes to a profile that you do not own based upon one that you do own.  While the differences of these are seldom (there but seldom), these contributions are made.  Ken has stated that this is ok.

But when you make a contribution for an image change for a profile you do not own, it is OK?  Do you own a copy of the movie but a different edition? or are you just searching out titles that look interesting and editing them.  I really don't understand.  I hate to say this, but it does seem a little hypocritical to me. 

Now mind you, I do not agree with T!M and others about contributing data on a disc that you do not own.  I have a number of them pending, that I will review in depth before accepting them.  But I also feel the same way about the images.  I am not the best scanner out there, but I wouldn't think about tweaking somebody elses scan (unless sent to me directly and asked to do it) and wouldn't think about contributing or altering a scan of a DVD I did not personally have in my possession.

Am I confused here?  Am I thinking about this the wrong way?  Is all fair as long as it improves the Online?  There are contradictions in the forums, and it makes it confusing for the rest of us.

I know for a fact that there are coloration and hue differences between releases.  I have several profiles that are of different releases, and while the image itself may be the same, the color or hue or something is different.
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar Contributorm.cellophane
tonight's the night...
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Thanks for the kind words, Hal, MadMartian and Charlie. I'm trying to detox from this situation but I do hope to be able to return to being active in the forums and with contributions. We'll see...

Quoting Jubal:
Then you don't understand James' attitude, Hal. I do, only too well. I sdon't trust his work, I find that him frankly lazy. He will do no more than he has to, he does not take into consideration the Community annd what migh improve notes for ALL users, EVER. He does not bother to include data with regards to ACTUAL crew credits, because he does not care about anyone else, it has not occurred to him that maybe that data might be useful to other users (or he doesn't care). I have suggested it to him in my vote comments and i have talked about it puvblicly in the forums many times. He is far more interested in providing as littel detail as he can, which makes me wonder WHY, so No I wopn't miss him at all. I wnat the best for the user Commu7nity  and the datavbase and if that means i need to spen a few minutes typing to supply users with research information or tomtell them what the ACTUAL crew credits are, then I do so gladly.

What you want listed in contribution notes is in excess of the brevity that Gerri has requested. You do realize that what you are referring to as lazy has nothing to do with the rules and everything to do with your personal preference? Let's be clear on that.

I am offended that James, likes to ignore the Rules and make up his own, which he has done many times on many different occassions. The SRP incident was only the first and still gets under my skin. The rules don't say you can ignore them with documentation, they say don't make changes for pennies, yet he ignored THAT Rule. 

For those not up on their Invelos history, the SRP thing was probably 2 years ago. The issue involved 3 contributions of a new profile that were made within a few hours of each other. When the first one was accepted, Skip withrew his. The other user left his up for evaluation. His profile added many things that were not included in the initially accepted profile. There was a 1 cent change to SRP. The question was to accept the more complete profile with the SRP difference or decline it at the expense of losing much data that completed the profile. I stood on the side of getting more info into the profile; Skip stood on the side of enforcing the SRP rule. Ken has later ruled in an unrelated case that Invelos' acceptance policy is to accept contributions which may contain some errors if there is other accurate information being added. Either a yes or a no vote would be valid in this case. It's really not the big scandal that it's made out to be here. It's odd that it keeps getting mentioned as a crime after all this time.

So, no I will not miss huis poor workmanship, or inconsistent voting at all nor his failure to follow the Rules, make up his own or try to undermine them as he has done numerous times.

Except for the first couple of days when there were many duplicate contributions declined, I have had exactly one decline. After consulting with Gerri, I fixed that one. That's a pretty good record over a couple thousand contributions (most were cast and crew) that I will stand on over your accusations.

"People fake a lot of human interactions, but I feel like I fake them all, and I fake them very well. That’s my burden, I guess." ~ Dexter Morgan
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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The SRP issue is ONLY one of MANY, OK. My view is simple we have Rules, if they are not enforced then they are meaningless, You couild have adopted a position that said take out the SRP and you are good, had the user taken out the SRP change of 1 penny I would have been only too happy to have vboted yes. But he broke the Rules and you SUPPORTED that, I am sorry James that was unforgivable.  We either have Rules or we do not, and the Rules specifically state not to make such a change PERIOD, ther is no IF or AND or MAYBE, the Rule says DON'T and you ignored it. That I won't forgive nor will I forget, but also like I said that is not the ONLY incident where you have ignored the Rules. Sodon't spin it or try to justify it, simply state the truth you made a choice to ignore the Rules.

CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar Contributorm.cellophane
tonight's the night...
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Quoting Jubal:

The SRP issue is ONLY one of MANY, OK. My view is simple we have Rules, if they are not enforced then they are meaningless, You couild have adopted a position that said take out the SRP and you are good, had the user taken out the SRP change of 1 penny I would have been only too happy to have vboted yes. But he broke the Rules and you SUPPORTED that, I am sorry James that was unforgivable.  We either have Rules or we do not, and the Rules specifically state not to make such a change PERIOD, ther is no IF or AND or MAYBE, the Rule says DON'T and you ignored it. That I won't forgive nor will I forget, but also like I said that is not the ONLY incident where you have ignored the Rules. Sodon't spin it or try to justify it, simply state the truth you made a choice to ignore the Rules.


This was over 2 years ago. We have a difference of opinion. Let it go.

"People fake a lot of human interactions, but I feel like I fake them all, and I fake them very well. That’s my burden, I guess." ~ Dexter Morgan
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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No, James it was far more than a difference of opinion. It was falat out throwing the Rules out the door, and like I said that is only ONE such incident involving you.

The Rules made no provision for your duifference of opinion and they still don't.

They still say the same thing they said two years ago
Use the SRP (Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price) at the time of the DVD’s original release using the currency type matching the locality of the DVD. Do not change the SRP in DVD Profiler to reflect reductions in SRP that distributors make in continually over time following release. Ensure the currency type matches the locality of the DVD. Do not make contributions with changes of a few cents/pence to the SRP."

There is no qualifier there, James, it is a simple straight forward prohibition and you trashed the Rules instead of voting properly to get the user to change his Contribution.

I could go on, James, and on, and on some more because there have been many such instances.

But I don't want to discuss this any further, at least not here.

Oh, BTW James, it has nothing to do with personal prefernce, it does have evrything todo with my concern for the Community of users, and that while I would love to be able to submit notes which to me aren't even fit for the garbage can, my own makeup simply won't allow it. To me supplying the information for the Community is the most important consideration, over brevity which communicates literally NOTHING and that is not a shot at you, you aren't alone, I don't like it from you or anyone else,. This is one area where I am far less concerned about Gerri or the screeners and very concerend with communicating accurately, precisely and I hope clearly with the other members of the Community...they are my client and six months from now it is my hope that notes I write today will clearly communicate what was done, how it was and why it was done, not some drivel that will not tell anyone anything, or even wose that that, "it is because I say it is" which makes me absolutely NUTS.

CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
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DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorTheMadMartian
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Quoting Jubal:
No, James it was far more than a difference of opinion. It was falat out throwing the Rules out the door, and like I said that is only ONE such incident involving you.

The Rules made no provision for your duifference of opinion and they still don't.

They still say the same thing they said two years ago
Use the SRP (Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price) at the time of the DVD’s original release using the currency type matching the locality of the DVD. Do not change the SRP in DVD Profiler to reflect reductions in SRP that distributors make in continually over time following release. Ensure the currency type matches the locality of the DVD. Do not make contributions with changes of a few cents/pence to the SRP."

There is no qualifier there, James, it is a simple straight forward prohibition and you trashed the Rules instead of voting properly to get the user to change his Contribution.

As a parser, I understand where you are coming from.  Unfortunately, as long as it is part of a larger contribution, Invelos does not enforce that rule...never have.  Because of that, I can understand why James might ignore it as well.  Maybe it's just me, but I see no point in getting upset at someone who votes according to Invelos' lowered standards. 
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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Forum Moderator: Removed.  Please keep on topic and off the back-and-forth.
CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
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Billy Video
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantAlien Redrum
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Forum Moderator: Removed. Please keep on topic and off the back-and-forth.
Reviewer, HorrorTalk.com

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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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Forum Moderator: Removed. Please keep on topic and off the back-and-forth.
CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantAlien Redrum
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Forum Moderator: Removed. Please keep on topic and off the back-and-forth.
Reviewer, HorrorTalk.com

"I also refuse to document CLT results and I pay my bills to avoid going to court." - Sam, keeping it real, yo.
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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Tnak you, mod.

CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
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